PSM 505L High performance closed network satellite modem, with data rates from 1. 2 kbps to 5 Mbps, IF frequency 950 to 1750 MHz, modulation BPSK and QPSK / OQPSK with Viterbi and Reed-Solomon FEC operating at 1 / 2, 3 / 4, 5 / 6 and 7 / 8 rates. Includes full remote monitor and control, IBS Multiplexer with overhead channel, AUPC and Remote Modem Control, with store and recall of 8 user set UPS, Doppler buffer, Built in 1: 1 redundancy circuitry, fast acquisition mode and analogue output monitor. Housed in a low profile 1U high case incorporating an auto ranging power supply, 110 / 230V AC 50 to 60 Hz. Software upgradeable to 10 Mbps, 8 PSK, 20 Mbps, 16 QAM
PSM 505L High performance closed network satellite modem, with data rates from 1. 2 kbps to 5 Mbps,