Its modular architecture allows configuration into a diverse range, depending upon the requirements of the clients. The proprietary 19in cabinet rack (6U high and 30cm deep) accepts different types of plug-in boards: E1 (one or two E1 trunks) GSM cards with two ports each, four SIM per GSM modulePBX cards with eight junctions eachE & M cards with four junctions eachSubscriber boards with eight junctionsBoards for BL phones, etc.Multi-Access may be used either as an interface between an E1 trunk and up to 32 analog phone channels (which may be wireless connections, PBX junctions, subscriber junctions or E & M junctions, etc. in different combinations) or as an interface between two or four E1 trunks to achieve conversion of signaling protocols. For instance, multi-Access may connect one or two E1 trunks with R2 signaling to other one or two E1 trunks with ISDN signaling. Thus, TOPEX multiACCESS is not only a voice gateway but also a highly flexible switching solution. NEW MultiACCESS WITH TWO E1 TRUNKSThis new variant of Topex equipment allows usage of two E1 trunks with a new range of applications, such as E1 multiplexers, single and multi-span E1 interfacing, PBX and Channel Banks, HDSL transport, Computer Telephony, signaling conversion, etc.The MultiACCESS unit acts as a multiprotocol signaling converter. Its main function is conversion between two different signaling systems. Also it can be used to interface two networks with non-standard protocols.
Its modular architecture allows configuration into a diverse range, depending upon the requirements