The AirEther BR 108a offers two data rates, based on the IEEE 802,11a mode and the IEEE802,11a turbo mode. When the bridgeoperates under the IEEE 802,11a mode, itsupports the data rate from 6 Mbps to 54Mbps. Under the IEEE802,11a turbo mode, it supports the data rate from 12 Mbps to 108 Mbps in turbo mode. The frequencychannel for the IEEE802,11a turbo are across from 5.15 to 5.85 GHz.1. The AirEther BR108a is flexible and operates as a Ptp(point-to-point) or PtmP(Point-to-multi-Point) Wireless bridge providing links networks in different buildings or remote locations.2. MAC Address-based access control and enhancesfeatures for stronger security.3. Enhanced transmission power for extended wireless coverage of up to 16Km/10 Miles oe farther depending on a actual noise/inetrference level and the type of antenna used.4. IP68 certified die-cast all-weather enclosure5. The BR108a model offers 200mW transmit power
The AirEther BR 108a offers two data rates, based on the IEEE 802,11a mode and the IEEE802,11a turbo