CellNode M100 is a unique WiFi device which enables providers to securely deploy wireless mesh networks. Every CellNode features two radio transceivers that support the 802.11a/g/b
standards. The first radio usually serves local wireless subscribers (downlink) at 2.4Ghz, while the second radio is used to connect to the infrastructure backbone (uplink) at 5Ghz. CellNode M100
features protected WDS/STP infrastructure data routing transport that allows transparent traffic failover and logically isolates all client networks for improved throughput, advanced roaming, and
network security. The device can be provisioned and managed centrally. It includes security software such as Firewall, QoS, and Radius software services for access and traffic management
Key Features:
- Support for Wireless Mesh Infrastructure
- 2. 4 Ghz Transceiver with Super-G and XRS Technologies
- 5 Ghz Transceiver with Turbo-G Technology
- Built-in Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
- Unique Routing Protocol with Policy Filtering
- Centralized Management and Provisioning
- Unlimited In-network Roaming
- Limited Number of Uplink Requirements
- Optimized RX / TX Power Management
CellNode M100 is a WiFi mesh access point. Typical applications-metropolitan wireless networks.
access point
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