User can choose GPRS, 850/900/1800/1900 modem to be installed in the RTU.
We can provide a GSM switch / com server with multiple GSM number to handle incoming and outgoing SMSs, so user can communicate thru our GSM switch / server via application programming interface
User are able to set up to 4 (HH, H, L, LL) custom threshold, these threshold value can be programmed OTA (Over the Air).
User are able to set a multiplier value and offset value so that the RTU is able to work and adept into to different type of water tank by just changing the multiplier value or offset value. The
multiplier value and offset value can be programmed OTA (Over the Air).
An optional GPS module can be included if the position (in Lat/Lon) of the site is required.
Solar charging is optional. Custom design solar charger can be included to provide power supply in remote area.
RTC (real-time clock) is built in, so user can time stamp messages.
Since this is a GSM-RTU, it needs no copper telephone line (fixed line / land line.)It needs only a GSM-SIM card and a power supply (6 v DC to 40V DC and 110-440 VAC) or solar panel charging a
lithium ion battery. Hence, it is extremely easy to install in virtually any place which has GSM coverage.
RTU is an intelligent device which can alert you remotely via SMS in case of power failure, alarm be activated, water level too low / high, lift malfunction, temperature too low or high, door been
opened, and anything you wish to monitor.
The RTU comes standard with lithium ion backup battery which wills last 24-48 hours.
The RTU has active low sensor or active high sensor open collector driver 10A ST/DT relay. Number of sensor input and relay output can be custom made.
The RTU can be instructed to automatically report to the remote center at user specified time interval and the number of reports request. It can be send to multiple destinations which can accept
GSM 05.07 SMS protocol (e.g. GSM modem or GSM hand phone)
RTU is a device which transmit information / status of a remote system (e.g. Lift, alarm, door
RTU is a device which transmit information / status of a remote system (e.g. Lift, alarm, door |