Series900/902Wireless VideoTransmission LinksFEATURES:he Series 900 and 902Microwave Video Transmission Links are the high performance answer forlong range wireless video transmission requirements,
full color or blackand white. Applications include remote surveillance, industrial,institutional, remote telemetry, production control, and videoteleconferencing. In addition, built-in sub-carriers
are capable ofcarrying an analog or digital signal for remote camera control: pan,tilt, zoom and switching. High selectivity and precise beam controlenables the links to be located close together
for multiple channeloperation. The FM super-heterodyne design assures superior picturequality in adverse weather conditions.FlexibilityThe simplex video transmission series has thecapability of
providing sub-carriers for transmitting audio or datainformation. These sub-carrier interfaces include audio/FSK, RS-232,RS-422, and most all camera control system interfaces. Thesesub-carriers may
be used for two-way (duplex) audio, camera control, orvideo switching. This two-way data transmission also makes it possibleto remotely operate card readers, gates, and turnstiles. When
multiplesub-carrier configurations are used, a separate desktop BMS unit isprovided which includes a built-in 24VDC power supply. Rackmount andweather-resistant outdoor BMS modules are
available.All systems are individually tuned to a specific assigned frequency toensure interference free operation and provide a reliable communicationlink. Frequency and FCC license easily
obtained. No customer adjustmentsare required.The Series 900/902 Microwave Radio System offers following features:FM Superheterodyne OperationCompatible with NTSC or PAL ColorVideoTransmits up to
10 Miles (16km)Low Power ConsumptionQuick and Easy InstallationResistant to RFI/EMI effectsLicensed frequency for secureinterference free operationSpecificationsFrequency Range: 21.2 to 23.6 GHz
(FCC Part 21and 94 bands)Modulation: FM (