GSM stands for global system for mobile communication. We develop GSM based coin operated PCO where in people can walk in and establish contacts with the desired person as and when they require.
These are wall mountable Public Telephone Booths which use GSM connectivity instead of fixed land lines. These operate only when ONE RUPEE or Multiple of ONE Rupee coin is dropped in. When the call
duration is increased more coins need to be inserted. This PCO is quick to install and finds applications where it is not possible to get Landline connectivity like Exhibitions, Moving Vehicles
like Buses, Remote Areas etc. Various features of this PCO are:Coin Capacity: 600Low Cost & Quick to Install12 key Keypad & 16 *1 LCD with BacklightTamper proof as all Tariff are loaded from the
NetworkPulse rate/ Rupee, Local code Etc. Programmable