Certified to the latest INMARSAT-C specification for SOLAS/GMDSS with distress calling, CN 114, IEC 1097-4, IEC 945 and CE require. Compact and lightweight Windows driven menus for easy operation 2
WAY Data, FAX and E-MAIL transfer to world-wide destinations Enhanced group calling (EGC) 10.4" Color TFT LCD display (size : 640 X 480) STANDARD Frequency range - TX : 1626.5 - 1660.5 MHz- RX :
1525.0 - 1559.0 MHz- GPS : 1575.42 MHz Modulation : 1200 symbols/SEC. BPSK Data transfer rate : 600 / bps Antenna elevation coverage : +90 to - 15 TX signal access mode : Slotted ALOHA Power supply
: DC 10 - 32 V (RX:4.8W/TX:81W) Dimension & Weight - Transceiver :180(W) X 50(H) X 165(D)mm 1.3Kg- Message terminal : 297(W) X 221(H) X 114.5(D)mm, 4.5Kg