Sesami SL-1000HS Wireless Outdoor AP / Bridge is an Integrated RF unit & Antenna into a Waterproof housing and compliance with IEEE 802.11b/g 54Mbps standard and operated at 2400-2484 MHz Frequency
Range. It supports 64/128-bit WEP Encryption, IEEE802.1x security, and SNMP, TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBEUI protocols. SL-1000HS Wireless Outdoor AP / Bridge equipped with 16dBi Panel Antenna and up to
1W output power constitutes an integrated outdoor bridge for wireless HotSpot & PTP or PTMP network. SL1000HS Wireless Outdoor AP / Bridge is easy-to-install, easy-to-manage (via web management),
reliable and good performance for long distance Wireless connection.
Sesami SL-1000HS Wireless Outdoor AP / Bridge is an Integrated RF unit & Antenna into a Waterproof housing