5 MHz & 10 MHz
Any Point to Any point and Multipoint to Multipoint.
IP Routing OLSR & OSPF
Ultra Secure Wireless 256 bit AES, WPA and WPA2 encryption, Security, VPN and firewall
GUI, Telnet, SNMP Remote Management QOS with Traffic Shaping 3 level Watch Dog Timer
Sensitivity of (-) 105 XR Rate (Best in the Industry)
Firewall with packet filter & NAT
Up to 76 non-overlapping Channels in 2.3 to 2.7GHz (14non overlapping in ISM Band)
Up to 237 non-overlapping in 4.9-6.1 GHz
Transmit Power Control
Dynamic Frequency Select Multiple RF interfaces (OPTIONAL)
RS-232/422/485 3-in-1 serial port (OPTIONAL)
The MMS Radio Bridge & Router is any Point-to-Multipoint and Multipoint-to Multipoint OFDM Radio Bridge Equipment for High Bandwidth connectivity of up to 30Mbps in 2.3-2.7GHz and up to 70Mbps in 5.7 GHz bands. It has a range of up to 100kms with the possibilities of other interfaces like E1/E2 in addition to Ethernet.
IN DOOR Wi-Fi Solutions