In MODCOM-8 some of the communication techniques currentlyused in modern video and television communications systems are studied.The basic features of a baseband television signal are studied.The
performance of black and white video is compared with acolor video signal. The role of synchronization in a composite television signal is explained. The principles of Vestigial Side Band
modulation (VSB) and its application to a composite television signal are also studied.Module DescriptionMODCOM-8, Video and Television module provides a number of communication functions that
enable the student to perform meaningful and interesting experiments.MODCOM-8 consists of the following:Video baseband band pass filter. VSB filter VSB modulator VSB for demodulator Composite TV
signal combiner Envelope detectors (2) Balanced modulator Correcting filter Recommended Experiments1. Baseband TV signal2. Effect of bandwidth on picture quality3. Comparison of color TV to black &
while TV4. Synchronization in composite TV signal5. VSB modulation6. VSB applications in composite TV transmission