N connector was developped by Paul Neil in Bell rabs on 1940s. It can work to 11GHz continuously with medium size which has waterproof and moisture proof.
N connector is bascially two types, one is for normal RF coaxial cable and other is for telecommunication infurastructure.
Electrical specification
Impedance 50 ohm
Frequency range DC ~ 11 GHz
Working voltage rating 1,000 volts peak
VSWR Straight connector:1.15/max
Right angle connector:1.25/max
Dielectric withstanding voltage 2,500 volts rms
Insulation Resistance 5000 Mohm
Contact Resistance
Center contact 1 mohm
Outer contact 1 mohm
Vibration MIL-STD-202, Method 213
Durability(mating) 500 cycles
Mechanical, Material and Plating specification
Outer conductor Brass/Tri alloy, Silver, Nickel plate
Contact pin Brass/Gold, Silver plate
Elastic contact Beryllium copper/Gold, Silver plate
Socket Beryllium copper or tin brass/Gold, Silver plate
Insulator PTFE
Crimping Suite Copper alloy/Nickel or Tri alloy plate
O-ring sealing 6146/silastic
(1) MIL-C-39012
(2) CECC 22210
(3) IEC 60169-16
SMA, N, 7/16DIN, BNC, TNC, F connector
RF adaptor available
DC ~ 18GHz
RF cable assembly / Jumper cable available