The AirEther AB 54 Outdoor Wireless Access point,Wireless Bridge and Repeater offer a high Performance,robust and extensive Wireless Coverage area that ia an ideal outdoor wireless Client Bridge solution for operating in a point-to-point mode andsupporting point-to-point topology for the following1.Airports 2.Campus 3.Building to Building 4.Security and Surveillance 5.Marinas 6.Beaches 7.Convention Centres 8.stadiums 9.RV Parks 10.Public Parks.Compliant to the IEEE 802.11b/gstandards,DSSS for 802.11b mode radio operations andCOFDM technology for 802.11g mode radio operations ,and support Super G mode for up to 108 Mbps of data rate.
The AirEther AB 54 Outdoor Wireless Access point,Wireless Bridge and Repeater offer a high Performa
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