PPC-100 LAN Bridge series are wireless building-to-building links that provide mm-wave radio performance for wireless Ethernet LAN-to-LAN connectivity. The links are available at the following
mm-wave bands: 40.5 - 43.5 GHz, 57.0 - 65.0 GHz, 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz, and 92-95 GHz. Application of Point-to-point PPC-100 LinksWireless full duplex connection link for remote LAN segments at
corporate and university campuses Wireless backhaul for GSM mobile and WiFi base station interconnectivity ISP-to-client Internet Last Mile solution. For ISPs, the link usually used to bring
Internet backbone channel fron central location to a new point-of-access FSO (atmospheric laser) and fiber channel back-up Multipurpose Fixed Wireless Fast Ethernet communications for any field use
From LAN administrator view, the PPC-100 link is a transparent, ISO/OSI physical layer, wireless bridge that can connect two or more Ethernet LANs.