Product contains:
The LigoMesh Duo features the customized LigoMesh software suite -apowerful core OS offering an abundance of flexibility, stability,andmanagement features not present in other Mesh products on themarkettoday. This robust software platform accompanied by an arrayofindustry-leading hardware features makes the LigoMesh Duo auniversal,customized radio solution for any Mesh application.
The LigoMesh Duo is a carrier-class Mesh device, capable ofoperatingin high bandwidth demand, client-intensive environments. Thisrobustproduct features two high-powered, Atheros-based mini-PCI radiosthatare each output power-adjustable and user-selectable between the2.4 GHzand 5.8 GHz bands. The two-radio design is ideally suited foruse inMesh Node/Gateway applications - one radio dedicated for meshingto anauto negotiated Mesh Node (creating a self-forming, self-healingnetworkarchitecture) while the other radio is dedicated for servicesetbroadcasting. As a gateway, the LigoMesh Duo provides WiFiconnectivitywhile acting as a wired network connection for terminalnetwork devices.The LigoMesh Duo features a powerful 266 MHzprocessing board, capableof maintaining seamless Mesh WiFi operationin even the mostbandwidth-intensive applications. The LigoMesh Duofeatures twoN-Connectors for custom antenna application, and comesencased in arugged cast aluminum, hinged enclosure.
LigoMesh Duo is a carrier-class Mesh device, capable of operating in high bandwidth demand, client-intensive environments.
LigoMesh Duo is a carrier-class Mesh device, capable of operating in high bandwidth demand, client-intensive environments. |