Rapid deployment of new services Support of packet? based voice, data and multimedia traffic delivers innovative next generation services to create new revenue streams and give you a competitive
edge High density, high bandwidth Powerful chassis easily scales from small to very large networks while meeting requirements for next generation services and subscriber levels Deep user
understanding Intelligent recognition of traffic flows, transport systems, and subscribers through DPI technology provides for targeted services Flexible billing, increased profitability In?-depth
examination of packets during processing via DPI technology opens tiered and detailed billing options Service support reduces complexity and costs In-?Line Services streamline performance while
improving infrastructure and support costs Access agnostic With support for CDMA2000, GPRS, UMTS, WiFi, Mobile WiMAX, in the same chassis, the ST16 is the only platform to provide converged,
universal services to all mobile access technologies. A future?proof foundation The ST16s ample memory, broad bandwidth and powerful processing allow the system to grow with the needs of the next
generation network and positions the operator for a robust all?IP infrastructure Always on, carrier class High ?performance packet forwarding, distributed processing, redundant hardware, and
self?healing and session recovery features all ensure five 9s availability, inter?chassis and intra?chassis handover for higher reliability, provides greater subscriber satisfaction Maximum
security solution Apply customizable encryption and traffic filtering to protect subscribers and applications without impacting overall performance Easy to deploy, easier to manage Distributed
architecture and web?enabled management applications allow for fast and easy configuration, expansion, and troubleshooting