The unit comes in a tubular housing with connectorised pigtails or with bare fibre tails for direct splicing into the equipment
The best performance is achieved with angle polished connectors (APC). They provide a very high reflection loss, in the same order of magnitude as the isolation of the circulator.
The circulator is used in reflectometers and distance measuring equipment, but also finds many useful applications in full duplex bi-directional data transmission systems, over one fibre core.
The circulator features low insertion loss, low cross talk, high isolation, a large bandwidth with choices for 1310 nm or 1550 nm centre wavelengths, and low polarisation dependent loss.
The PBN polarisation independent optical circulator is a multi-port passive device, which routes one incoming optical signal from port 1 to port 2 and another signal from port 2 to port 3. A 4 port version of the circulator also routes an incoming signal from port 3 to port 4.
The circulator features low insertion loss, low cross talk, high isolation, a large bandwidth with choices
The circulator features low insertion loss, low cross talk, high isolation, a large bandwidth with choices |