Implements Athena's powerful T5200 instruction set architecture
Hundreds of RSA-1024 operations per second
Supports up to 16K-bit public key operations
Supports elliptic curve cryptography operations
Optional integrated AES and SHA functions
T5200 Application Library provides offload of algorithms such as RSA and ECDSA
Portable to multiple implementation technologies, including FPGA, structured ASIC, and ASIC
Easy SoC integration
TeraFire Enterprise T5200 family compatibility enables your product succession strategy
Programmability enables adaptability to future standards
Autonomous operation minimizes load on host processor
Integrated AES and SHA enables single core Suite B solution
Secure boot memory validation
Embedded secure processing
Secure communications
IPsec acceleration
Mobile platforms
With the optional AES and SHA functions enabled, the F5200 becomes a highly flexible security application coprocessor in your SoC. By leveraging the T5200 ISA direct transfer interface, the F5200 can enable functions ranging from secure boot memory validation to ump-in-the-wire?IPsec coprocessing. The direct transfer interface may also be used to pair two F5200 cores, enabling twice the throughput and half the latency for RSA private key operations with CRT.
The F5200 implements Athena T5200 instruction set architecture (ISA), making it firmware compatible with the high-performance TeraFire T5200 cryptography microprocessor and T5200 Application Library. With the programmable T5200 ISA, the F5200 can execute virtually any public key cryptography algorithm today, and can execute the algorithms of tomorrow with a simple firmware update.
Athena introduces the TeraFire F5200 public key cryptography core. From the world leader in high performance public key cryptography cores comes the F5200, a fast, efficient microprocessor designed for public and secret key cryptography applications. With an area footprint starting at 25K-gates, including memory, and 200 RSA- 1024 private key operations per second, the F5200 provides as much as a 50x greater performance than competitive solutions with similar area.
The Athena Group, Inc. delivers an integrated family of security IP, ready for your SoC application
The Athena Group, Inc. delivers an integrated family of security IP, ready for your SoC application |