A periodic signal can be described by a Fourier decomposition as a Fourier series, ie. as a sum of sinusoidal and cosinusoidal oscillations. By reversing this procedure a periodic signal can be
generated by superimposing sinusoidal and cosinusoidal waves. ST2603, a unique FPGA based Fourier Synthesis Trainer that can generate the waveform using fundamental frequency and its harmonics. It
is very useful in communication and DSP lab. Generation of standard time domain wave forms Square, Sawtooth, Rectified sine, Modulated waveforms etc are possible with the help of this trainer.
Features On board harmonics & DC Generators. Crystal controlled fundamental frequency. Digital Phase Control. Individual Gain Control. On board Sine Cosine selection. On board Phase Reversal
provision. Built in Power Supply. Functional Blocks indicated on Mimic Board. Experiments that can be performed Time domain signal synthesis using frequency domain components , fundamental and
harmonics with individually user selectable phase: 0O(+sine),90O(+cosine), 180O(-sine), 270O (-cosine). Generation of standard time domain waveforms Square, Triangle, Ramp, Rectified sine , Half
sinewave etc. Effects of phase shift of frequency domain components on time domain synthesis of standard waveforms (slope inversion in ramp waveform).
12 Channel GPS & carrier.
Fast Cold/Warm/Hot start
TTFF time of 45/38/8 sec.