The 6320 Outdoor Mesh Router is designed to provide a cost-effective, easy to
deploy, high-performance networking solution for outdoor environments. Lightweight
and compact, the 6320 router delivers signifi cant performance increases
through support for the 802.11n standard, a next-generation high-sensitivity radio design, and the incorporation
of new patented features into the industry-leading Tropos Mesh Operating System.
A cost-effective solution for a wide variety of applications, the Tropos 6320 router is well-suited for
municipalities, utilities, enterprise, industrial, and military entities. The 6320 router provides a reliable
communications foundation for utility meter reading, intelligent transportation systems, public safety,
and video surveillance, and is designed to support multiple applications simultaneously. Each router
can either serve as a gateway interface for capacity injection into the network, or as a node to extend or
reinforce network connectivity.
The small, lightweight form factor is ideal for deployments where aesthetics and weight are part of
the mounting asset equation. Confi gured with multiple antennas, the 6320 router is fi tted with two
Ethernet ports. These ports can be used for a variety of purposes, including capacity injection from
a wired or point-to-point wireless broadband link; for attachment of client devices such as a video
camera or Advanced Meter Reading/Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMR/AMI) collector; or to
receive power over Ethernet. The router is available in two versions:
6320 Outdoor Mesh Router - Dual-band unit with one 2.4 GHz and one 5 GHz radio. Designed
for creating or expanding higher-capacity multi-use networks, the 6320 supports meshing