In the telecommunication field transmission lines are used to convey the signals from one point to another. The line properties become very important specially in multi channel systems.Scientech
Transmission line trainer ST2266 is a unique design for experimenting various properties of the line. The trainer provides basic concept of coaxial line and include devices and accessories to
conduct the experiment. Features 100 meters coaxial line. Matched - Short - Open line measurement. Onboard test generators and impedance matching resistances. Built in DC power supply. Input-output
and test points provided. Functional blocks indicated on mimic. Student workbook and Operating manual contains transmission line theory and experiments. Easy to operate and student friendly.
Experiments that Can be performed Measurement with 1) Matched 2) Short 3) Open end of the line. Measurement of line properties. Measurement of line attenuation. Frequency characteristics of line.
Input impedance of the line. Measurement of stationary waves. Phase shift along the line. Fault localization within the line. Line in pulsed condition.
100 meters coaxial line.Matched - Short - Open line