* Future release
** For FCC country profile, results may vary depending on the maximum transmission power allowed per the local regulation
Choose BreezeACCESS VL for
Alvarions BreezeACCESS VL is a flexible and field proven Point-to-Multipoint (PtMP) solution providing broadband wireless outdoor connectivity for a variety of applications in urban and rural
deployments. Available in a range of frequencies in the 5 GHz and 900 MHz bands, this widely deployed platform offers a carrier-class outdoor link with enhanced security and capacity as well as top
QoS for data, voice and video services. BreezeACCESS VL is an optimized solution for the performance and cost requirements of various markets and customers. It enables operators, municipalities,
enterprises and communities around the world to quickly and cost-effectively benefit from an array of top quality broadband services.
Feature Highlights:
Alvarion' BreezeACCESS VL is a flexible and field proven Point-to-Multipoint (PtMP) solution
Alvarion' BreezeACCESS VL is a flexible and field proven Point-to-Multipoint (PtMP) solution |