Wireless Telephony & DSL Solution
The eMGW is a cost effective, rapidly deployable, point to multipoint FWA system that provides optimal data and voice services for both residential and small business users in urban, suburban and
rural environments.
The eMGW is the optimal price / performance FWA system for operators who need to:
? Provide coverage to subscribers in green fields
? Upgrade existing networks with advanced data services
? Provide DSL services in low and medium subscriber density areas
? Provide voice services in sparse rural areas
The eMGW utilizes state-of-the-art hybrid transmission technology to uniquely combine packet switching for fast data services that maximizes the use of valuable spectrum resources and circuit
switching for toll quality voice to guarantee Quality of Service and Grade of Service. This 'hybrid switching' concept provides the ideal solution for the economic and technological challenges
facing network operators today.
The eMGW operates in a broad range of licensed and unlicensed (ISM) frequency bands (1.5-5.7GHz).