SMA interface
While many of Cisco's Linksys equipment TNC antenna interface, but also the use of some models of SMA interface, and the antenna can also tie in with the rest of the SMA interface wireless router
(for example: D-Link 624 + A which can change antenna models) played the role of enhanced signal (the higher the gain, the smaller the polarization angle at close range ,0.5-2 m to improve the
effectiveness may decrease was not obvious).
High-gain antenna is installed only when installed in existing products to replace the antenna can be. Do not install the driver software, a number of factors relating to the antenna effect, does
not guarantee that in your environment you have requested results.
The main function of the antenna to improve signal quality and improve signal to noise ratio, that is to put it in simple language to improve stability, reduce the packet loss rate, applicable to
the quality of signal coverage but not high-speed connectivity
Linksys 7dbi SMA High Gain Antenna Interface
(Wireless antenna)