FTTH-95 is a standalone plug-and-play FTTH cableT.V. receiver designed for
RF Video downstream applications in HFC deployments. It is powered from a 18W /36w
solar panel and battery back up for 60 hours. RF output power is a constant even as the
optical input power fluctuates by 8 dB. A single receiver can provide upto 40 connections
eliminating the need for chain amplifiers and associated power circuitry. First of its kind
in the world (patent pending), it employs the latest technologies giving the best-inclass
efficiency per watt of DC input.
Solar powered, Grid power not needed
6 dB AGC referred to optical input
No adjustment required
Plug and Play, Stand alone
Low Total Cost of Ownership
Low Maintenance
130 channels
60 hour battery backup
Can directly drive upto 40 connections
Upgrading/scaling existing CATV n/w
New community installations
Supports digital transmissions
Electrical Specifications
Optical Input
Wavelength 1000 ~ 1600 nm
Power 5 to +3 dBm
Connector SC/APC
Return Loss 50 dB
Voltage Solar powered (18W/36W panel)/
External D.C 15 TO 20 Volt
Consumption < 2.8 W
Battery Backup 60 hours (12V/14Ah/SMF)
Dimension (L*W*H) 330mm X 135mm X 160mm
Weight 3Kg(with out battery)
RF Output
FBandwidth 45 ~ 1000MHz
Impedance 75 Ohm
Level 96 dBuV/Channel
#Channels - 130 channels (Analog & Digital)
Flatness +/- 1dB
Return Loss >14 dB
CSO <-70 dBc
CTB <-60 dBc
1 year from the date of purchase Not applicable to battery
& Solar Panel