MPEGRich 2000 is a real-time encoder that provides MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Full D1 of Gunjarm Digital. MPEGRich 2000, built-in PCI* Slot-Based Board and high performance IBM 420 & IBM 422 Chipsets,
enables high-quality MPEG Encoding and all applications related to motion pictures including Video CD products, video conferencing, digital surveillance systems, multimedia content generating, and
DVD Pre-mastering. The MPEGRich 2000 was developed by the original internal technology and is far superior in cost performance to other products. Also, we provide faster A/S and Technical Support.
Already, MPEGRich 2000 is gaining worldwide recognition (ABL in Canada, V-soft in Israel, Philips in Netherlands, etc) for its stability and superiority. Like the motto "Product in the world", our
company is one of the leading companies in the same business. To provide suitable products for various users, we will release AV, PRO MAX of MPEG Rich 2000 Family. Our Gunjarm Digital is selling
the MPEGRich 2000. We will do our best to keep on top of the world market in the multimedia area.