1) Protein 11% on 12% Moisture
2) Moisture 12% max up to 13.5%
3) Impurities Dockage 1% MAX
4) Shrunken and Broken kernels 5% max that can pass through sleeves
having oblong opening (1.6x20min
5) Field Damage Grain 2% max (sprouted heat damaged frost-damaged
sunny bug, sick wheat, black tip)
6) Test weight 78kg/hl min
7) Grain other than wheat (foreign matter) maximum acceptable
allowance for edible food grainsincluding (corn , barley, soybean
etc) is 0.75 max
8) Wet Gluten 28% min
9) Ergot 0.05% max
10) Falling no 300 sec min
11) Wheat should have it` original color and free of any abnormal
odors that indicates any damage to the grain
12) Not modified genetically
13) Free from Dioxin
14) Free of kernel bunt (wheat smut)
15) Aflatoxins should not exceed 5 PPB
16) Pesticides residues should be within the international limits
17) Heavy metals within the international limit
CIF Mersin 199 usd
6000mt is ready to be loaded;
6000mt is ready to be loaded;
CIF Mersin/Turkey price is 199 usd/mt