The DST-3018 GPS Synchronization Clock Generator is the key equipment for exciter and SFN Adaptor in SFN network, which provides the GPS synchronized 1 PPS and 10MHz clock for Exciter and SFN
Adaptor. The DST-3018 adapts smart predictive algorithm combined with excellent short time stability of the OXCO oscillator to mitigate the effects of inherent GPS noise. It also complies to the
stringent hold over mode requirements of DVB-T/H and GB20600 standards when GPS reference is lost. The DST-3018 is the best choice of terrestrial digital television operators.
High performances GPS receiver to receive up to 12 simultaneous satellites; The OXCO oscillator keep frequency and time accuracy; Generate 1 pps + 10 MHz High Accuracy-High stability signals for
SFN applications; Continuous high precision output without GPS signals; Compatible with any SFN MIP inserter; Near rubidium stability in case of loss of satellite signals; Web browser remote
control, SNMP is optional.
GPS Sync.Clock Generator