Garuda International's amaranth products are obtained from the grain amaranthus spp. Amaranth has been cultivated throughout history, dating back to the Aztec and Inca cultures. Amaranth fell from
favor when the conquistadors noticed that the popping of amaranth seeds played a central role in Aztec pagan ceremonies. But today it has been found that this fibrous grain contains three times
more fiber than wheat and five times more iron than wheat. Its unique nutritional properties make it a grain with many applications in the food industry. Amaranth is an annual herb. It has broad
leaves and large flower heads that produce thousands of protein-rich seeds. Amaranth seeds are tiny golden and round. They can be popped, toasted, or cooked to make cereal. Amaranth cooks very
quickly so it is a good choice for a quick, nutritious hot porridge.
Rich in lysine, 14% more than maize or rice, 27% more than wheat, rich in calcium, iron; high in protein (16%)oil contains antioxidants (vitamin E) tocotrieonol.
Nutritionist's protein value score chart (100 is considered ideal) amaranth 75, cow's milk 72, soybeans 68, barley 62, wheat 60, peanuts 52, and corn 44 as shown above. Amaranth scores high in
protein value when compared to other grains. When amaranth is combined with other grains, the protein value score approaches the ideal amino acid reference pattern established in 1973 by the
fao/who of the united nations.*source: national research council, 1984 amaranth, modern proposals for an ancient composition of grains (usda & national research council)
Amaranth Grain