Specifications: 300 micron.
Origin: South Africa.
Packaging: 12.5kg, 25kg and 50kg bag.
Minimum Quantities: Southern African States - 34 ton. Packaging sizes can be mixed.
Maximum Quantities: 1500mt per month. Book you share now!!!
Delivery: Southern African States per road transport - price to be quoted separately, dependent on destination. We have the best freight rates to get the product to
Price per Metric Ton: Ex Mill - ZAR 2350.00 - USD300.00 (at ZAR 7.80/USD 1.00).
Price per 50kg bag: Ex Mill - ZAR 117.50 - USD15.00 (at ZAR 7.80/USD 1.00).
Payment Terms: Southern African states, to preferably made in SA Rands due to volatility of foreign exchange. Advanced Cash or T/T payments.