Cheap Satellite Receiver (DVB-S) Kingsat 9800i
- DVB and MPEG-2 full compliant
- Support ChineseEnglishIndonesiaRussian
- Support software Upgrade from receiver to receiver and from PC to receiver.
- Serching single and multi-satellite.
- Save 800-1000 channelsTV+RADIO
- Easy to install and search.
- PAL, NTSC systerm auto and manual convert (option).
- Quickly auto searching.
- Easy to edit, including add, rename, move,delete
- Small picture for review
- Quickly Auto searching
- Support 22K switch
- Mute function
- Restore factory default parameter
- Memory function when lose of power
- Support mono, stereo output SPECIFICATION
Cheap Satellite Receiver (DVB-S) Kingsat 9800i
with Ali 3328F solution,Support software Upgrade from receiver to receiver&P