Process Barley MaltThe process of converting barley into malt involves three stages including 1. Steeping2. Germination3. KilningSteepingSteeping is the first and most important stage in the manufacturing of malt. In this stage barley is soaked in water to stimulate the conditions that start germination or growth. The process takes place in a steep tank that is usually aerated to encourage fast moisture uptake by the barley.GerminationAfter steeping, the process of germination starts in which hormones and a group of enzymes are produced. Germination usually takes place in a vessel where is blown through the growing malt to control its temperature and moisture content. The changes during germination are called "modification" which is a vital role in the whole process. KilningThe final stage is known as kilning in which water is extracted from the malt. The combination of high grain moisture and high temperatures would normally destroy the enzymes developed during germination. It can also be slightly roasted for colour and flavour. The malt kilning process is manipulated so that the malt is dried at a relatively low temperature using high flows of air. Then when the malt is dried with moisture content of around 10%, the kilning temperature is increased so that the malt developes colour and flavour. At the completion of kilning, the malts' moisture content will be 4-5%.
good Barley Malt