grains by cooking and drying process.
i) Bulgur has a longer shelf life and resistant against mold than other
nutritional value than others such as bread and pasta.
of kernels penetrates the kernels and this makes bulgur to have higher
h) During the cooking process, valuable nutrients at ??ruseymin?? part
probable nuclear war in some countries.
radiation so it is stocked by military and civil society for use during
g) Bulgur does not absorb radiation and also it is resistant against
nutrition source in the world.
f) When Bulgur is compared with grains it is the most important
e) Bulgur battles digestive cancer by its high mineral and cellulose
bulgur because of cooking and drying processes during production.
d) Phitic acid, which is a big disadvantage of grains, disappears in
c) Bulgur does not contain any cholesterol.
b) Bulgur has unsaturated fat and low fat rate so it is a very healthy
ingredients folic acit.
a) Bulgur is very important for children and pregnants because of its
About some benefits of
Simas Bulgur is made from the best quality durum wheat which is rich in
minerals, proteins, vitamins, calcium.