At installation of additional pumps and gas modules at working filling stations it is necessary to perform laying of informational cables from the operator's premise with a cash register (POS
system) to the place where pump or a gas module is installed. This work includes execution of building works that leads to partial stopping of the filling station operationand is a costly process.
Our company TECHNOTRADE LTD proposes You to solve this task usinga more economical and cost-effective method. Instead of laying of the information cable we propose wireless communication channel.
We propose You a developed and manufactured by us wireless communication device (WCD) for connection of the pump with a control system of the filling station.WCD serves for replacement of the
informational cable between the cash register of the operator of the filling station and the pump with a wireless communication. WCD supports operation with any types of control systems, cash
registers for filling stations and any types of pumps and gas modules that have interfaces: RS-232 RS-485 Current loop