CCS(Collect Call System) is an automatic collect call system which has the function of billing to recipient B party.
CCS(Collect Call System) is an automatic collect call system which has the function of billing to recipient B party. |
BL110 is a industrial IoT gateway that converts various PLC protocols, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, DL/T645, IEC104, BACnet IP and BACnet MS/TP and other protocols to Modbus TCP, OPC UA, MQTT, BACnet IP, Huawei Cloud IoT, Amazon Cloud IoT, Alibaba Cloud IoT, ThingsBoard, BLIIoT Cloud ...
Come From BLIIOT
PLC/Modbus Gateway BL102 is an industrial IoT gateway that converts various PLC Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP into Modbus TCP, OPC UA, MQTT, Huawei Cloud IoT, AWS, Aliyun, ThingsBoard, KPIIOT Cloud and other protocols. PLC/Modbus Gateway BL102 downstream supports: Siemens, ...
Come From BLIIOT
BL102 is IoT gateway which can be used to convert PLC, Modbus, DLT645 to MQTT, OPC UA, Modbus TCP protocols, and then connected to cloud platform through 4G or Ethernet. It can be connected to HUAWEI Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Thingsboard, AWS and other cloud plaforms. It has one ...
Come From BLIIOT