You can communicate between master and slaves, but no between slaves. Slaves up to 1000 numbers, Complete secrecy, no cross talking. Also transfer telephone call (optional)
Ideal for:
Multi story Building, Apartments, Villas, Housing colony, House, Hotels, Lodges, Offices, Shops , Ships, Hospitals, Banks, Factories, etc.
Product Features:
- Full duplex communication like a telephone.
- Long range (up to 2KM in same Phase only on rural area)
- Slaves up to 1000 numbers. (If you require more than one slaves, you can purchase extra slave up to 1000 numbers.)
- Cordless Operation
- Easy Installation
- Works on 90~250V AC Power Line (in Same Electric Transformer)
- Frequency Modulated (FM) Technology
- Different channel and Different Security code
- High quality electronics circuit (long lasting)
- Loud and pleasant Ringing
- Original Ring back tone (no duplicate ring back tone)
- Both party ring cut off system
- Engage tone
- Rx Tx visual indication
- Simple Operation (Just plug and talk)
- Light weight Handset
- One year Warranty
- No Mechanical switch (hook switch)
- More details Please visit oue Web: thodukonics