1. AT915 Analog system digital Signaling Non-central trunking transceiver.
Basic technic parameter
working frequency coverage: 915.0125~916.9875MHZ
coverage spacing: 12.5KHZ
Frequency stability: 1PPM
Working temperature: -20 ~ +60 centi degree
Voltage: 3.3V~4.2V
Tx power: >= 2.5W(3.7V)
Adjacent Channel power: 2.5uW
Spurious power: 2.5uW
Modulation MAX: 2.5KC
Modulation Distortion: 5%
Noise Ratio: 35dB
Receiving Sensitivity: 0.25uV
Adjacent Channel selectivity: 60dB
Intermodulation: 60dB
Spurious Suppression: 60dB
Receive Distortion: 5%
Noise: 40dB
Rx bandwidth: 4KHz
Audio power output: 0.5W
2 The main technical parameter of AT900 TDMA digital transceiver
Basic technical index
Working freqency coverage: 915.0125~916.9875MHZ
Frequency : 12.5KHz
Frequency stability: 1PPM
Working temperature coverage: -20 ~ +60
Voltage: 3.3V~4.2V
Modulation rate: 9.6kbps
Working Time Slot: 2
Voice rate: 2.4kbps
Tx power:2.5W(3.7V)
Adjacent Channel power at the time of startup:55dB
Power achieve 90%: 60 dB
Spurious power:-60dB
Receiving Sensitivity: -117dBm
Receive Distortion: 5%
Audio power output :0.5W
AT915 Analog system digital Signaling Non-central trunking transceiver. Basic technic parameter
working frequency covera