Weight: 265g
Dimensions: 101.5mm x 55.5mm x 33.0mm
Frequency Range: Full Bandsplit*; UHF 1: 403-470 MHz
Channel SpacingProvides flexibility in deploymentand stocking
Provides over-the-air reconfigurationof group identity in a meaningfulalpha-numeric form
One touch dialling, simple menus andan alpha-numericphonebook/contact listmake the full power of GP688 simpleand intuitive to use
A 14-character alpha-numeric displaycontains a battery gauge and signalquality indicator and provides separatedistinctive tones plus name decode formany incoming calls
Crisp, clear and strong audio quality invirtually any noisy environment. Lowlevel expansion allows furtherimprovements in audio quality byreducing noise usually heard duringpauses in conversation
The fully compliant MPT signallingpackage includes MPT1343, Regionet 43and ANN modes of operation. Radiosare configurable for up to 4personalities including Talkgroup Selectand Conventional signalling
Main Features:
The GP688 is essential for growing organisations because of its unique versatility.
Type: | Handheld |
Model Number: | GP680 |
Brand Name: | Motorola |
Place of Origin: | Hampshire United Kingdom |