when you are camping, hiking, cycling, fishing, at the park or even a perfect choich for long distance communication(5KM). Fashionable layout, big vivid displayed LCD facilitate a great convenience
for simple and rapid operation. Incorporate VOX function and 38 CTCSS sub codes, integrated fixed high quality antenna, this high performance Walkie-Talkie allows you to communicate with others in
clear Voice up to 5 kilometres.
Features :
# No-license require
# Selectable channels
# LCD backlight display
# VOX and page tone alert
# Low battery alert
# 38 CTCSS sub codes
# Operating range: Up to 5KM
# Channel scanning and monitor
Package Content
# 2 x Galaxy 088 Walkie-Talkie
# 1 x Manul
# 1 x Strap