Eden Furnishings : We were the first company from India to start the manufacture of Jacquard Upholstery Fabrics in technical collaboration with an Italian Manufacturer. So, our entire system of
manufacturing is based on the italian System and our total plant has also come from Italy. Even Designing is done by 4-5 Italian Designers besided having 3 design studios in India.Our strength lies
from the fact that all our looms are wider width looms and so we can give 280 cms fabrics, suitable for beddings and curtains with the added advantage that we have in-house Cut-n-Sew Division where
we can confection the products as per customers requirement i.e. we can give you ready-made beddings and ready-made curtains in your required sizes.Briefly, we have an installed capacity of 42
looms and can manufacture upto 120000 Mtrs. Presently, we are manufacturing everything from Dyed Yarns.