They can also be added to many different food dishes including salads, casseroles, soups, stews, and stir-fries
They can be eaten raw or cooked to different degrees of tenderness and eaten as side dish.
Cluster Beans & French Beans we offer a wide range of beans such as cluster beans & French beans.
Used for the cure of diseases like arthritis, diabetes, leucorrhoea, handice, liver trouble, stomach worms, piles, constipation, etc.
Bitter gourd is a blood purifier, activities spleen and liver and is highly beneficial in diabetes. It is a purgative, appetizer, digestive, anti inflammatory and has healing capacity.
Bitter gourd contains vitamins A, B1, B2 and C. it also contains minerals like calcium,, phosphorus, iron, copper and potassium.
Bitter gourd or Kerala is seasonal vegetable and very bitter in taste it is a rich source of phosphorus.
Bitter Gourd