Spartan Trends Inc is a leading Indian manufacturer & exporter of blankets , beach wind breaker , cushions , throws , curtains , hammocks , fabric play house for
kids , Christmas articles like stockings , tree skirt , advent calender etc. , hand stitch quilts , outdoor rugs & other home furnishing products.
We are an ISO 9001: 2000 with D&B D-U-N-S Number 65-027-5519 & group turnover of USD 9. 5 million. We are vertically integrated plant having all facilities like spinning,
weaving, stitching, finishing under one roof. Our parent company was established in 1954.
Our prestigious list of buyers include Ikea of Sweden, Pottery Barn, Marks & Spencer, Linens-N-Things, Garnet Hill, John Lewis, Great Little tradiung company, Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd, Pick N
Pay Retailers P. Ltd., Vestergaard, Selkon Japan, Metro Holland, Umbra Canada , Woolworths RSA , Rapee Australia , Acland Holding New Zealand & others.
We are leading Indian manufacturer & exporter of curtains in wool, cotton, polyester, linen etc.