This multi-purpose F-track system revolutionizes the curtain,
drapery and interior design industries with extremely flexible
tracks and easy on-site application! No more custom fabrication.
Flexible and Bendable Curtain Tracks
Ventilation net of 18" in height , made of water proofing fabric , in 2 different length of 59" and 118". It is to provide ventilation as well as
to increase total curtain high of over 78" from ceiling to buttom of curtain . ( off-the-shelf shower curtain is normally 60" high ). This net is $18 ea. for 18" H x
118"W, $9 ea. for 18" H x 59" W.
This net is $18 ea. for 18" H x 118"W, $9 ea. for 18" H x 59" W.