It must be remembered, however, that effectiveness is limited by inadequate design, Care should be exercised when designing to eliminate the following leaks. Stagger doors across hallways,
seal doors at top and sides. Use automatic toehold closers at bottom. Avoid back to back wall switches or outlets. Eliminate where possible all penetration, caulk holes made by
wiring or piping. Line ducts with absorptive materials to soak up noise
Using the EJD Sound Stop Curtains above problem partitions will result in a total attenuation factor of 40 decibels minimum so that over-the-partition noise is dampened to a tolerable level. Privacy is assured both parties. These are findings in accordance with AMA 1-11, two room test method. In terms of cyclic sonic range of 250 to 4000 cyclesa range wherein the majority of noises from speech, music, appliances and equipment generally fallthis is a highly significant control factor!
Components in the EJD Sound Stop Curtain have been tested and approved by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Flexible, light and non-combustible, the EJD Sound Stop Curtain is specially treated fibrous glass enveloped in an outer lininga reinforced aluminum faced wrapperfitted with grommets along the selvedge edge to effect easy hanging from the underside of concrete arch, or floor above and from there down to the top of the partitioned area below.
Airborne sound waves striking the surface of the EJD Sound Stop Curtain are transmitted by the diaphragmatic action of the aluminum skin to the millions of tiny, dead air pockets between the fibers of glass that make up the central blanket. Once in this blanket, most of the energy of the sound waves is quickly absorbed.
Sound Stop Curtains can reduce over-the-wall loudness in offices, classrooms, hospitals and other suspended ceiling areas by as much as 30%-50%.
Sound Stop Curtains
Sound Stop Curtains can reduce over-the-wall loudness in offices, classrooms, hospitals