Firetex FC 2-4 hour fabric fire curtain
Provides up to 4 hours fire resistance and smoke arrest. Firetex FC fabric fire curtain has been designed specifically to give the
performance of a steel shutter offering up to 4 hours fire resistance with enhanced smoke containment. Intended for internal, low cycle usage and generally intended to be left open for
automatic activation. Firetex FC fabric fire curtains meet BS EN 1634-1, BS476-6, 7 & 22, BS7346-3 and BSI PAS121 and feature a total gravity failsafe drive closure system with adjustable
drive speeds. Kabas range offers extensive choice of activation systems and controls.
Firetex FC Compact 2 hour fabric fire curtain
Provides up to 2 hours fire resistance and smoke arrest. Firetex FC Compact fabric fire curtain is designed specifically for
internal applications for areas such as servery hatches or doorways and is generally intended to be left open for automatic activation. Firetex FC Compact fabric fire curtains meet BS476 part
22, and enhanced smoke control and containment to BS7346 part 3. The curtain features a total gravity failsafe drive closure system with controlled descent. Normally supplied in a range
of standard sizes, they come pre-assembled and pre-wired.
Firetex FC Compact 2 hour fabric fire curtain
Firetex FC Compact 2 hour fabric fire curtain |