Mi zanimaemsya proizvodstvom Plyush/Baxmal/bahmal kotoriy shiroko ispolzuetsya v Uzbekistane, Tajikistane, Kirgizistane, Kazakstane i Turkmenistane. Danniy material proizvoditsya v Samarkandskom
regione Respubliki Uzbekistan. Nashot stoimost' tovara i prochee informaciy obrashatsya po tel:+998 93 5098524 ili
We produce Bahmal/Baxmal/Ivy(fabric material)/plyush which is widely used in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Krygystan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. We produce this material in Republic of Uzbekistan,
Samarkand region. Regarding price of material and other information contact to tel:+998 93 5098524 or
Mi zanimaemsya proizvodstvom Plyush/Baxmal/bahmal kotoriy shiroko ispolzuetsya v stranax SNG