Corporation ? - combines the two separate companies JSC ?melange? and JSC ?Jutex?.
In AO ?melange? includes:
Spinning manufacturing - where the modern technological equipment Swiss company ?Rieter?, for the production of cotton yarn from Ne 8 / 1 to Ne 30 / 1, a production capacity of 6000 tons of
cotton yarn per year;
Torsion production - equipment the Italian company ?Savio?, the production of yarn in 2, 4, 6 additions;
Weaving industry - installed equipment from Switzerland ?Benninger? and ?Dornier? in Germany, which led to the production of fabrics in a wide range from the lightest of fabrics to the heaviest
of fabrics, different in structure, in this equipment are made of tissue-Euro standard width to 320 cm
Dye production - set the German equipment company ?Thies?, allowing to produce 1800 tons of cotton yarn per year, sustainable coloring in various colors, used active dyes and chemicals European
manufacturers to guarantee high quality products.
Finishing production - installed equipment such foreign firms as: ?Benninger?, ?Zimmer?, ?Monforts?, ?Kusters?, ?Jurgens?, capacity 40 million meters per year, for the dyeing and finishing of
cotton fabrics.
The introduction of advanced technologies, we can produce elite cotton fabrics, linen and knitted articles made of them in a wide range of meeting international quality standards.
In AO ?melange? in the presence of raw materials laboratory, which performs admission control of raw materials for the work of air-and equipment for the production koltsepryadilnogo HVI SPECTRUM.