We manufacture:Sarees Dress Materials Shirtings Embroidery Home Furnishing Fabrics as per buyers needs Fabrics for scarves, pareos, stoles, khaftan and etc. SAREES Sahiba design sarees for the
Indian women keeping in mind the tradition and fashion as sarees are worn in different styles by different castes of people in different regions of India.Embroidery has been latest passion of
Sahiba Group Embroidery is the art or handicraft of decorating fabric or other materials with designs stitched in strands of thread or yarn using a needle.Home furnishing as the growing segment in
textile industry Sahiba has also launch in a small way in Home furnishing.Scarves, Pareos, Stoles, Khaftan and etc., each and every country as their tradition and cultural values to be followed,
which Sahiba and their customer understand and in this way we try to make some specific products for some specific clients and countries.
We manufacture:
Dress Materials
Home Furnishing
Fabrics as per buyers needs