Mr. Talwar (Textile Designer) decided to put experience with instinctiveinnovations & conceptualized Tex India Enterprises (P) Ltd. in 1992.
In a period of 14 years,
Tex India is approx 20 crores company, growing aggressively and penetrating all over India & Overseas.
Tex India offers A-Z Conventional & Digital Textile SolutionsOff-site as well as On-site. We do Research and Development to make ourproducts more user friendly with high efficiency utilization as
well ascost effective.
Another facet of the company is the sampling and productdevelopment that undertakes in Digital Printing on various fabrics. Wealready are serving to Indian Textile & Fashion Industry as well
asoverseas buyers with great response in terms of our Quality &Delivery. The idea essentially is, to approach each & every fieldsrelated to Fashion & Textile to give best out of the
Tex India Is very well equipped with Digital Design studio,Digital Screen Engraving studio, Digital Textile Printing Studio,Styling & Finishing Setup.
Tex India is alliance with companies likeSTORK, Dystar, Texjet, Stovec Industries, A.T.E Marketing (P) Limitedand many more to provide solutions with unmatched results.
Tex India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., we develop concepts on ideas, put them into creating design & Digital Printing depending on the buyers need.
Our Clientele includes:
- Apparel & Fashion Export House
- Apparel & Fashion Buying House
- Fashion Designers
- Sarees & Suits Retailers
- Direct Overseas Buyers
Moving towards Goal, the company aims to be a biggest Digital Textile
Solution Company in Asia.