TYPICAL APPLICATIONSConveyorsPlastic bag sealing machinesDough, biscuit and candy ovensIn food and drugs industries where cleanliness and non-stick properties are essentialHandling of melted
plastic, rubber, ceramic and glass in high temperature work environmentsHandling of sticky materialsIn low temperature applications like drying, hardening and cookingProduction of isolation
curtains for the entrance of oven conveyors Lining of canals, chutesProduction of gaskets, bearings, rings and diaphrams for high and low temperatures and corrosive environmentsCoating of printing
cylindersProtective coverings for sticky materials Protective curtains against acids and alkalinesInsulation tapes, phase seperators, engine and generator insulation tapes and transformer
bandagesIn compressors and glidesIn printed circuit boardsCylinder, boiler, reactor liningsRoofing material for exhibition and sports centers, bus stops and inventories